EFCA churches share a common doctrinal statement and purpose: to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
We are a Gospel-centered movement, catalyzing church multiplication across Texas and Oklahoma.
Evangelical Free Church of America. The term “Evangelical” is tied to our belief in the transformative power of the Gospel and the Bible as the Word of God. Click here to review the EFCA Statement of Faith. The term “Free” refers to the fact that our churches operate autonomously, while “Church” refers to the close knit community we work to foster within each region.
We start and strengthen churches by equipping and mobilizing church leaders for local and regional gospel impact. We want every church leader in our district to be…
Spiritually Healthy
Cultivating an Intimate Daily Walk with Christ
Biblically Grounded
Staying True to God’s Word in All Things
Missionally Focused
Multiplying Disciples, Leaders, and Churches
Strategically Connected
Working Together for Maximum Impact
Our vision is to raise up 50 new churches or campuses over the next ten years. In that time, we want to see 50% of our churches birth an ethnic ministry on their campus between 2010 and 2020. Every church should be a Parent Church, a Partner Church, or a Participating Church.
New Churches in 10 years
of churches Birthing an ethnic ministry
Leadership & Administration
Dr. Brent Burckart
District Superintendent
About Brent
In 2001, Dr. Brent Burckart planted Cornerstone Community Bible Church in Rosenberg, Texas, a multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation which grew to about 500 people under his leadership. Brent completed his Doctor of Ministry in 2020 with an emphasis in church health, multiplication, and leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary where he now serves as an Adjunct Faculty member in the Pastoral Ministries Department.
In his new role as EFCA TX-OK District Superintendent, Brent’s desire is to come alongside our pastors and churches to encourage and equip them to remain spiritually healthy, biblically grounded, missionally focused, and strategically connected in these challenging and changing times. Brent and his wife Elvie have been married for 33 years and have two children, Caryssa (27) and Bryce (25).
Ministry Leaders & Regional Directors
District Superintendent
Brent Burckart
Brian Bish