2025 District Leadership Conference
February 21-22, 2025 | Fellowship Bible Church | Waco, TX
The Annual District Leadership Conference is a strategic opportunity for EFCA Texas-Oklahoma District churches to connect with one another and unite around our mission. Our goal is to come alongside church leaders by providing worship, speakers, and breakout sessions that will inspire, equip, and encourage all who attend.
Need to Know Info
Dates & Location
When: Friday, February 21, 2025 – Saturday, February 22, 2025
Where: Fellowship Bible Church, 5200 Speegleville Road, McGregor, TX 76657 | Click HERE for directions
Hotel Block
Springhill Suites by Marriott Waco/Woodway
(254) 732-7979
200 Colonnade Parkway
Woodway, TX 76712
The booking deadline has now passed. Please contact the hotel directly for rates and availability.
Friday, February 21, 2025
10:00am | Doors Open |
11:30am | Affinity Groups Luncheon |
01:45pm | District Vision Session – Dr. Brent Burckart |
02:45pm | Snack & Chat |
03:15pm | Main Session I – Shane Stacey |
04:15pm | Snack & Chat |
04:45pm | District Business Meeting |
06:00pm | Banquet Dinner |
07:00pm | Main Session II – Shane Stacey |
08:30pm | Day Concludes |
Saturday, February 22, 2025
07:30am | Doors Open |
08:30am | Breakout Sessions |
09:45am | Continental Breakfast |
10:15am | Breakout Sessions |
11:30am | Closing Session |
12:30pm | Conference Concludes |
Affinity Groups Luncheon
Friday, February 21, 2025 | 11:30am
Children’s Ministry | 2nd/3rd Grade Rm |
Elders | Group Rm 2 |
Executive & Associate Pastors/Leaders | 4th Grade Rm |
Hospitality, Care & Connections Ministries | High School Rm |
Lead Pastors | Group Rm 1 |
Lead Pastors Wives | Sycamore Rm |
Ministerio Hispano | Cedar Rm |
Ministry Leaders Wives | Cypress Rm |
Outreach Ministry | The Hangout |
Small Groups Ministry | Acacia Rm |
Student Ministry | Game Rm |
Women’s Ministry |
The Loft |
Worship & Media Ministry |
Junior High Rm |
District Business Meeting
Friday, February 22, 2025 | 4:45pm
Delegate Information: Click HERE to determine whether you are considered a 2025 District Conference Delegate.
District Business Meeting Materials: More info coming soon!
Conference Speaker
Shane Stacey

Shane Stacey, Co-Founder of Clarity House
Shane is the Co-Founder of Clarity House, a training and consulting organization that equips church teams across the country to lead with a shared vision fueled by disciplemaking clarity. For the past 28 years, Shane has served in and alongside local churches as a pastor, coach, and consultant, including a decade on the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) national team, helping local and regional leaders build disciplemaking cultures rooted in a way of life in Christ.
Learn More about Shane
Before launching Clarity House, Shane served as the Executive Director of Denominee, where he helped over 40 denominational and network teams lead with greater synergy, bringing increased value to the churches they serve.
Shane is currently a non-vocational leader at River City Church in Minneapolis, MN, where he lives with his wife, Heather. Together, they have three young adult children: Isaac, Gavin, and Ruth.
Click on this video and listen in on Shane’s conversation with District Superintendent, Brent Burckart. Shane shares about his heart for disciplemaking, discusses obstacles to effective disciplemaking and provides a sneak peak into the content of his talks at the conference.
Building a Disciplemaking Culture
The more we listen to the voices and needs of ministry leaders, the more we hear a resounding desire to grow in the area of making disciples in today’s culture. With that in mind, we will pull a few pages from Jesus’ disciplemaking playbook to address two critical questions: What is our current disciplemaking strategy? And, is it effective? Let’s take a day to step back and focus ourselves on the ultimate mission that Jesus gave the church.
Main Session I: Moving Beyond the Functional Great Commission
Key Scripture References: Mark 3:1-18
Many of us have embraced a disciplemaking framework that calls people to attend, connect, and serve. While this framework isn’t inaccurate, it has become increasingly inadequate for making and multiplying disciples of Jesus in a post-Christian context. To address this challenge, we’ll turn to a page from Jesus’ disciplemaking playbook. When faced with internal and external pressures that threatened to detour His ministry, Jesus made a critical shift to ensure its future. This is the same shift many church teams find themselves needing to make today.
Main Session II: A Call to the Other Side
Key Scripture References: Mark 4:35-41 (+Mark 5 & 8)
Building a disciplemaking culture requires making some necessary shifts. However, these shifts often do not start in the congregation—they begin in the heart and practices of leaders. By turning to a second page from Jesus’ disciplemaking playbook, we discover that embracing His disciple-multiplying vision requires a willingness to “go to the other side.” As you consider your own “other side,” Jesus challenges you with three key questions: What will you forsake? What will you take? What impact will you make?
BREAKOUT SESSION: Personal Calling, a Disciplemaking Accelerant
8:30AM & 10:15AM | Group Rm 1
What were you made for? Most Christians know what they have been saved from but not what they have been saved for. They are aware of the general call to love God supremely and others sacrificially but the idea of personally calling seems like something set aside for a few “super-Christians.” A key to fueling multiplication of disciples to the third and fourth generation is found in helping people discover the depth of their unique purpose and the scope of their gospel influence.
In this workshop you will:
● Explore how personal calling fuels a disciple-multiplying culture
● Identify keys to helping people discern their personal calling
● Take a few simple personal calling tools for a test drive
Breakout Sessions

Shane Stacey
8:30am & 10:15am
Group Rm 1
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Personal Calling: A Disciplemaking Accelerant
What were you made for? Most Christians know what they have been saved from but not what they have been saved for. They are aware of the general call to love God supremely and others sacrificially but the idea of personally calling seems like something set aside for a few “super-Christians.” A key to fueling multiplication of disciples to the third and fourth generation is found in helping people discover the depth of their unique purpose and the scope of their gospel influence. In this workshop you will:
- Explore how personal calling fuels a disciple-multiplying culture
- Identify keys to helping people discern their personal calling
- Take a few simple personal calling tools for a test drive
Presenter Bio: Shane Stacey is the Co-Founder of Clarity House, a training and consulting organization that equips church teams across the country to lead with a shared vision fueled by disciplemaking clarity. For the past 28 years, Shane has served in and alongside local churches as a pastor, coach, and consultant, including a decade on the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) national team, helping local and regional leaders build disciplemaking cultures rooted in a way of life in Christ.
Before launching Clarity House, Shane served as the Executive Director of Denominee, where he helped over 40 denominational and network teams lead with greater synergy, bringing increased value to the churches they serve.
Shane is currently a non-vocational leader at River City Church in Minneapolis, MN, where he lives with his wife, Heather. Together, they have three young adult children: Isaac, Gavin, and Ruth.

Theology & Doctrine
Dr. Greg Strand
8:30am + 10:15am
Group Rm 2
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“Your Word Is Truth” Vs. Truthiness, Post-truth, Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News, and Conspiracy Theories (8:30am only)
We live in a day marked by a crisis of truth and a crisis of trust, a crisis of content and a crisis of character. This is not only reflected in society, but it is also manifested by Christians and in the Church. Our task is to preach and teach the truth of the Scriptures. Part of that also consists of debunking and refuting lies. We will not live by lies, nor will we allow lies to be perpetuated without addressing them. In this session, we will address the significance of truth, as spoken and lived, contrast it with the various worldly alternatives to truth, and address how we love God and how we love others at this moment in this cultural context by speaking the truth, living/modelling the truth, and encouraging one another to live by truth.
EFCA Doctrinal Survey: Results, Assessments, and Comments (10:15am only)
Every five years the EFCA conducts a doctrinal survey of all senior/lead pastors (not all are credentialed) and all credentialed in the EFCA (not all are ministering in the EFCA). We have now conducted this survey three times, with the last one completed a short time ago. Results of our doctrinal survey (posted October 2024) do not carry the same weight as the Bible, as God’s Word is the absolute and final authority, sola Scriptura. Biblical truth is not determined by a majority perspective. But, doctrinal surveys can be helpful as a data point regarding the beliefs of survey respondents. In this session, we will consider the results, assessments, and comments of the doctrinal survey, what we can learn about the doctrinal beliefs of the EFCA through the survey, and how you, and the church where you serve, reflect the survey respondents.
Presenter Bio: Greg Strand has two Masters’ degrees and a Doctor of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS). He serves as Executive Director of Theology and Credentialing for the EFCA at the national office in Minneapolis, MN, a role in which he has served for over twenty years. Greg provides oversight to the Board of Ministerial Standing (BOMS), serves as chair of both the Spiritual Heritage Committee (SHC) and the Theology and Missiology Advisory Council (TMAC), plans the Annual Theology Conference, and helps pastors, leaders and churches think through issues biblically, theologically, historically, and pastorally. He also serves as adjunct professor of Pastoral Theology at TEDS. Greg is husband to Karen, father to three, father-in-law to three, and grandfather of eight. Greg is a member at Northfield EFC in Northfield, MN, and he likes to run, bike, hike, and camp.

Team Building
Scott Sterner
8:30am & 10:15am
Sycamore Rm
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Building Visionary Teams
Effective leadership requires more than just a good strategy—it demands vision, trust, and humble leadership. This workshop explores the key characteristics of visionary teams, drawing from biblical principles, leadership theory, and real-world church and organizational examples. We will discuss the importance of identifying clear challenges, developing a strong mission, fostering diverse and trusting teams, and cultivating healthy, teachable leaders. Through practical insights and discussion, we’ll equip leaders to build teams that inspire change and drive meaningful impact.
Presenter Bio: Scott Sterner serves as the Executive Vice President of National Ministries at the EFCA. With 30 years of pastoral experience in two EFCA churches, he has also dedicated more than a decade to church planting and leadership, including roles with the EFCA Forest Lakes District and ReachNetwork—the EFCA’s collaborative, district-based church planting initiative. Scott holds a master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) and is an active member of Door Creek Church (EFCA) in Madison, Wisconsin. He and his wife, Carrie, are parents of five adult children and grandparents to five.

Special Needs Ministry
Naomi Norris
8:30am & 10:15am
4th Grade Rm
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The Value of Special Needs Ministry Within the Church & What It Can Look Like
In this workshop, we will…
- See why it’s important to reach those in the community who live with special needs
- Talk about why the body of Christ needs those with special needs
- Examine our attitudes towards those living with special needs
- Discuss how equality within the body of Christ can be upheld
Presenter Bio: Naomi Norris serves on the EFCA Disability and Special Needs Ministry team and is a spokesperson for the value of special needs’ ministries within the Church. Having raised multiple children with special needs alongside her husband, Rob, she has real, everyday life experience in ministering to people with special needs.
Having built their own real estate investment business over the last 30 years, Naomi and Rob, a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), are now semi-retired and live in Newport, NC, with their 24-year-old son, Josh, who is mentally challenged and cannot live independently, and their 7-year-old son, Joel, whom they adopted from relatives who live with drug addiction.

Marriage in Ministry
Eric & Jenny Fridge
8:30am & 10:15am
High School Rm
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Rooted in Love: Building Healthier Marriages for Stronger Churches
A thriving church is built on the foundation of strong, Christ-centered marriages—especially among its leaders. In this session, we’ll explore practical, biblical strategies to strengthen your own marriage while setting a powerful example for your congregation. Discover key principles for cultivating a God-honoring relationship, equipping couples in your church, and fostering a culture where marriages flourish. Through biblical insights, real-life applications, and practical ministry tools, you’ll leave encouraged, empowered, and ready to invest in marriages that strengthen the very heart of your church.
Presenters’ Bio: Living the “sweet life” in Sugar Land, Texas, Eric and Jenny Fridge are parents of four children—two married and two in college—and proud grandparents after 30+ years of marriage. They love spending time with their growing family and enjoying the outdoors year-round, especially summers at the lake. The Fridges are passionate advocates for family, missions, adoption, and foster care, encouraging couples to embrace life’s greatest adventures.
After more than twenty years in local church ministry, Eric now serves as Executive Director of Pathways for Little Feet, a national nonprofit supporting adoption and foster families. Eric also serves on the EFCA TX-OK District Board of Directors and is the Elder Board Chairman at their church, Cornerstone Community Bible Church (EFCA) in Rosenberg, TX. Jenny, a dietitian and former homeschool mom and teacher, now works as a Community Development Representative at The Sanctuary Foster Care Services, dedicating herself to empowering families in the challenging world of foster care.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Dr. Craig Curtis
8:30am & 10:15am
2nd/3rd Grade Rm
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AI & the Church: Ethics, Tools and Faithful Innovation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here. How do we respond to this rapidly growing technology with a biblical lens? This session provides a balanced look at the use of AI in the Church, focusing on its role as a tool to enhance, not replace, ministry work. We will look at the biblical and ethical framework for AI usage and offer some practical tools to enhance your work and ministry and try a few live demonstrations to evaluate the capabilities of AI.
Presenter Bio: Dr. Craig Curtis graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and is the Executive Pastor of Stone Oak Bible Church in San Antonio, TX, an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Baptist University of the Américas and the chairman of the EFCA TX-OK District Board. He and Wendi, his wife of 16 years, have a son, Grayson, age 12 and a daughter, Charlie, age 10.

Leadership Development
Rob Holster and Carson Dickie
8:30am & 10:15am
Cypress Rm
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Growing Lay Leaders: Empowering The Body To Lead The Church
Growing lay leaders is not a program, it’s an environment. It’s about cultivating the soil and planting seeds, adding nutrients and tending the garden. The Holy Spirit has gifted the Body of Christ with people who will not only grow and mature, but also will lead ministries and become disciple makers. These people are in your church right now, and it’s important to identify them as He leads more into the fold. Our job as church leaders is to equip them for the work of ministry, but we also need to listen, and encourage them in whatever way the Spirit has led them to serve the body. It doesn’t always look the way we drew it up. Pastor Rob Holster and Carson (and Ann) Dickie will present ideas and examples of how the Lord has worked to grow lay leaders, enhancing ministry at their church.
Rob’s Bio: Rob Holster has served as the Senior Pastor at Hill Country Church (HCC) in Fredericksburg, TX for ten years. Prior to this role, he pastored a small church in rural Oregon and served as a youth pastor in Spring, Texas. Rob is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and Texas A&M University and is married to Michelle, who serves as the Children’s Director at HCC, and they have four children: Sydney (22), Micah (20), Annabelle (17), Peter (12). Why he’s passionate about developing lay leaders, in his own words:
I’m not sufficient. I need help. The Lord has been good to provide people around me who complement my strengths––and cover my weaknesses. I feel this is how the body should work. It’s too heavy of a burden for a pastor to carry the needs of the church by himself. So, I have relied on, cultivated relationships with, and sought out people who are already working to serve the body—who have been called by God to use their gifts for the building up of the Church.
Carson’s Bio: Carson Dickie, a University of Texas graduate, has been involved in Youth Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and Young Couples’ Ministry for 40 years. Passionate about developing the next generation of Christian leaders in families, in his local church, and in his community, Carson, in the last decade, has focused primarily on his ministry to men aged 30-45 years old and to young married couples. Carson has been married to Ann for 42 years, and they have three adult children and five grandchildren.

Outreach & Evangelism
Jaron Jones
8:30am & 10:15am
Junior High Rm
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Beyond the Walls: Creating a Real Outreach Plan for Your Church
Reaching people outside the church can feel overwhelming—where do you start, and what actual needs exist? We’ll explore the different types of brokenness that exist in various types of communities. We’ll talk about how to connect with these hurting and, sometimes, vulnerable populations. You’ll learn different evangelism approaches for different types of people, and by the end of the workshop, you’ll have a high-level plan to reach a segment of your community. Whether your church is just getting started with outreach, or looking to refresh your community engagement, this is the workshop for you!
Presenter Bio: Pastor Jaron Jones is the Lead Pastor of Shine Bible Fellowship in Houston, TX, which he planted in 2016. He and Shine are passionate about pursuing deeper relationship with Jesus through practical and relevant biblical teaching, authentic relationships with others and “being known OUTSIDE the four walls of the building” by serving the vulnerable in their local context. The end goal is to shine brightly to radically transform families, the community, city and beyond!
As a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and with more than 18 years of ministry experience, Pastor Jaron currently serves on the EFCA TX-OK District Board, is a former resident of the Houston Church Planting Network (HCPN) and served one year as a chaplain resident at the Texas Medical Center. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, Jaron is the (self-proclaimed) biggest Cardinal baseball fan in Houston, and along with his beautiful wife of 18 years, Eboni, Jaron has the joy of parenting their three children: Chloe, Kendal and Kyler.

Small Groups Ministry
John Watson
8:30am & 10:15am
Acacia Rm
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Pathways to a Healthy Small Groups Ministry
Do you want to cultivate a healthier small groups’ ministry at your church while building a disciplemaking culture? During this workshop, we’ll discuss key essentials for a healthy small groups’ ministry while enjoying lots of interaction, group discussion, and mutual encouragement. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in both strategic and organic learning as you get to know other churches’ small groups’ ministries.
8:30am Co-presenter: Karen Paulson, Disciplemaking Director at Grace Bible Church in Laredo, Texas
10:15am Co-presenter: Justin Pickard, Executive Director of Crossover Community Impact in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Lead Presenter Bio: John Watson has enjoyably engaged in small groups ministry for four decades while serving in urban and rural EFCA churches in Chicago and Nebraska and serving with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in Texas. Over the last 4 years, John has been coaching and training pastors and leaders in the EFCA TX-OK District in establishing and maintaining healthy small group ministries as the District Small Groups Director. John also serves as the District Director of Credentialing, coming alongside pastors and leaders as they work through the EFCA credentialing process.
John has been married to Grace for 41 years, and they live in San Antonio. They are very proud of their three grown children and two granddaughters. John enjoys spending time with his church community group and with his new neighbors. He also enjoys the outdoors, reading, history, traveling, bicycling, jogging, walking, hiking, and exercising in the gym.

Recruiting Volunteers
Jason Rogers
8:30am & 10:15am
Game Rm
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From Vision to Volunteers: How did Jesus do it?
This is a practical, hands-on workshop designed to help you turn “I’m too busy!” into “Sign me up!” Using Jesus’ recruitment playbook as our guide, we’ll dive into the why, who, and how of recruiting volunteer leaders. From casting a vision that inspires, to making personal invitations that people can’t resist, and creating on-ramps so smooth, they’ll feel like pros in no time. Expect stories, strategies, and interactive activities to help you build a dream team for your ministry. Get ready to recruit, equip, and empower like never before!
Presenter Bio: Jason Rogers is the Director of Student and Group Ministries at Hope Fellowship Church in Lake Jackson, TX and the District Student Ministry Director, and he also serves on the EFCA ReachStudents Leadership Council. With nearly two decades of ministry experience, Jason is passionate about connecting people to faith and community. Married to his wife, Jacquin, and a proud father of five, he balances his busy life with a love for board games, sci-fi, and savoring the cold weather whenever he can.

Haciendo Discípulos
Adrian Castillo
Cedar Rm
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El Corazón de un Hacedor de Discípulos
Hacer discípulos es de la mayor importancia para cada iglesia y creyente. Por esta razón, a menudo dedicamos una gran cantidad de tiempo y recursos a aprender de otros cómo llevar a cabo esta tarea. Sin embargo, en este esfuerzo, se olvida la postura del corazón delante de Dios. Esta sesión ayudará a diagnosticar el corazón del líder y a alinearnos con la motivación correcta para hacer discípulos.
Presenter Bio: Adrian Castillo is the Pastor of Somos Grace, the Spanish-speaking congregation of Grace Bible Church in Laredo, TX. Prior to this role, he served as the Youth pastor and Associate Pastor before starting Somos Grace four years ago. Married to Daisy for 18 years, Adrian and his wife have three kids: Sarika (17), Adrian (14) and Adaline (10).
Email us. We’re happy to answer your questions!

Biblical. Balanced.
Better Together.
Mailing Address:
EFCA TX-OK District
17424 W Grand Pkwy S #228
Sugar Land, TX 77479